Pinpointe Footlaser

Pinpointe Footlaser

Brighton Podiatry is glad to advise that this laser is now available in Melbourne, this was the first laser for the treatment of nail fungus to be released to the Podiatry market. It was also the first laser to be cleared by the FDA (United States Food and Drug Administration).

We have found this laser to be excellent in the treatment of Onychomycosis, so if you live in Melbourne and are suffering from this condition contact Brighton Podiatry.

This Laser was designed for the treatment of nail fungus or as it is known medically onychomycosis. Nail fungus is estimated to effect as many as 10% of the population in Australia. There have been many treatments over the years, these include Griseofulvin and Tebinafine or Lamisil as it is known here in Melbourne Australia.

Both these medications have major problems in that they have severe side effects, they are quite toxic to the liver necessitating the patient to undergo regular liver function tests. Some patients even report other side effects such as change in their perception of taste and smell.

One major issue are patients who are suffering problems  with Fungus as well as their nails lifting. Even if the fungus is “cured” the nail in this state can pose further problems and eventually the only solution may be surgical removal of the nail.

Pinpointe Versus Topical treatments

There are numerous topical treatments on the market and it would seem that almost every few months there is a new one released. The fact is that all of these are next to useless on clearing a seriously infected nail. The problem is that they do not penetrate the keratin that the nail is composed of. Our suggestion is don’t waste your money on topical treatments there are several websites claiming that they will cure nail fungus, however we see many patients that have tried many of these and had absolutely no improvement not even a slight one.


Pinpointe Footlaser

For sometime now Podiatrists  in the United States have been researching treatment of onychomycosis with the use of lasers the results have been mixed one of the biggest obstacles  has been the pain the patient had to endure, the pain could be successfully dulled via the use of local anaesthetics however this posed another problem substantial damage could be done to the underlying tissue as the patient could not feel anything. It is imperative that the practitioner gets patient pain level feed back as this is the only way to ensure that no damage results to the underlying structures.


pinpointe footlaser

PinPointe FootLaser In The Clinic


Pinpointe FootLaser Research

Scientists working for pinpointe footlaser have spent years optimising the protocols for this laser system in the end they have come up with a very good Nd:YAG laser to treat this system with minimal pain to the patient.

The Video below shows that the pinpointe footlaser destroys Trychophyton Rubrum, it is also worth noting that the culture medium agar is unaffected this is the same as healthy tissue in the patient. There has been no adverse reactions in over 100,000 cases that have been preformed. Pinpointe footlaser ablates the fungal elements through the nail plate and in doing so does not damage the nail plate.



Pinpointe Footlaser

PinPointe FootLaser

Pinpointe footlaser is manafactured by NuvoLase Inc of Chico California USA the world distributors are Cynosure.


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